a matter of perspective
me: you're such a drama queen.
mg: i don't induce drama, i exaggerate for effect.
[sa-man-tiks] – noun
a. the study of meaning.
b. the study of life by classifying and
examining the events it is made of.
me: you're such a drama queen.
mg: i don't induce drama, i exaggerate for effect.
it's been a long time since i've felt rested.
at mg's insistence, i have an appointment to look into a sleep study, but part of me wonders if i just need to find a better balance. i feel so silly saying this, because we have no kids, but i just don't have enough time in the day!
whoever came up with the 40-hour work week clearly had a maid. or, more likely, a homemaker wife. i have neither, and while i'm all for women in the workforce... most weeks i really wish i could have an extra 6 hours at home to take care of all the things that seem to continually fall through the cracks.